Dental implants are the gold standard for replacing missing teeth. They have the ability to replace one or several missing teeth depending on the case, they also offer more long-term stability and can look, and function in the same way as your natural teeth.
Implants are artificial metal fixtures that are inserted into the jawbone to replace the missing teeth and a crown is then attached onto the implant. They are a great alternative to dentures and bridges as they help minimise bone loss and don’t require adjustments to adjacent teeth.
Patients should have healthy gums and enough bone to hold the implant. They also must be committed to good oral hygiene and regular dental visits. At Above and Beyond Dental our dentists are highly trained and highly experienced in dental Implants. Dr Naz has a post graduate diploma in Implants from the University of Melbourne. Between our dentists they have placed thousands of implants successfully. Having a highly trained and experienced clinician has been shown to greatly improve the clinical success of dental implants.